U-M set to break ground on Detroit innovation center

Source: Michigan News

Downtown Detroit. Photo by Eric Bronson, Michigan Photography.

A groundbreaking ceremony for the University of Michigan Center for Innovation in Detroit is scheduled from 3-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14 at 2121 Cass Ave.

Featured speakers from U-M include Sarah Hubbard, chair, Board of Regents; President Santa J. Ono; Laurie McCauley, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs; and Geoff Chatas, executive vice president and chief financial officer.

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan also will present remarks during the ceremony.

Construction of the $250 million center in downtown Detroit is expected to take three years. The center will be funded by a $100 million gift from donor Stephen M. Ross, $100 million from the state of Michigan, a land donation of 2.08 acres from Olympia Development of Michigan, and an additional $50 million will be raised from donors. 

UMCI is designed to be a world-class research, education and entrepreneurship center designed to advance innovation and talent-focused community development to propel city, regional and statewide job creation and inclusive economic growth by stimulating economic development in Detroit.

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