1. New gift will help U-M provide opportunities for youth in Detroit

    Half of the $5 million gift will establish the Weill Scholars Fund, which will provide tuition support and stipends for graduate students at the Ford School who come from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and are committed to advancing diversity in public policy. 

  2. U-M architecture professor Doug Kelbaugh brings passion to sustainable design

    “I think it’s also the first book to overtly state that cities are our last best chance in the war against climate change. People who live in cities have smaller carbon footprints, and that’s largely due to walkability, transit, and shared dwelling units that share walls and infrastructure.”

  3. Alum Eli Savit clerked for Supremes O’Connor, Ginsburg and now advises Detroit mayor

    “I never thought my career would have unfolded the way it has, but I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects that I think have made the world a better place. I never thought I’d be a municipal lawyer, but when the opportunity came up, I took it. And that’s how I’ve always tried to live my life. To go where I can do the most good,” said Eli Savit, U-M Law School alumnus and lawyer for the city of Detroit.

  4. Summer optiMize projects build bridges to college, boost opportunities for entrepreneurs

    Some University of Michigan students spent the summer honing their social engagement skills. Three dozen student-led start-ups that received funding from optiMize, a  program that provides grants to students who want to build self-directed projects for social change, spanned out. One, Building Successful Bridges, worked with the incoming ninth grade class of Marygrove High School in Detroit. 

  5. College ready: Wolverine Pathways paved way to higher ed for kids unsure how to get there

    The middle and high school students who are part of the University of Michigan’s Wolverine Pathways program have the smarts to get to college. They have the desire. They see themselves as college students.

  6. For author Laura Bernstein-Machlay, all journeys begin and end in Detroit

    Yes, she will drive across two mountain ranges and eight states in a car “held together by duct tape and rust and prayers” to erase the effects of procrastination and get to grad school on time. But no, she will not leave Detroit for the suburbs.

  7. U-M alum Dexter Mason teams sports with service to promote social justice

    Dexter Mason says: “To be honored by the Detroit Center is one of the greatest honors of my life. The room I received the award in was actually the same room where I had orientation for U-M’s Summer Bridge program almost 10 years before. So it was just full circle. I couldn’t have imagined where I’d be 10 years later, and I give all the credit to U-M for that.”

  8. Blight-busting demolitions reduced gun injuries, deaths in Detroit neighborhoods

    A new University of Michigan and Harvard University study shows an 11% drop in homicides and serious injuries caused by firearms in the areas where more than a few demolitions took place. The study does not find that such incidents went up in nearby neighborhoods.

  9. U-M offers Fall ’19 courses with a Detroit spin on social innovation, car culture and more

    Interested in urban issues? Here’s a list of courses offered at the University of Michigan this fall through the College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, the Law School, the Ford School of Public Policy, the School for Environment and Sustainability, the Ross School of Business, and the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.