If I had to pick one object it would be a threshold. I’d pick this object because it is the entry to home. It is what many people strive to get through, it is the place after which one crosses it where they feel safe, or secure or comforted. For a fair number of folks in Detroit it can be precarious, especially in this time. It can be taken away. It represents an entry, but also an exit.
About the Exhibitor
Marc Norman, an Associate Professor of Practice in Urban and Regional Planning in the University of Michigan A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, in October was named to the Federal Reserve Board’s Community Advisory Council for a three-year term that began this year. Marc’s work in Detroit includes research on affordable housing and equitable development–development that takes into account historic moments where people were excluded either from ownership or opportunity and that understands the kind of historical patterns that excluded people from wealth opportunity and housing options and incorporates that history when thinking of current development.